property management
July 1, 2024

What Is Turn-Key Property Management?

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Boss Lady
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This is by far the question we get asked the most, so it's time that I really expanded on it, and give you a better understanding of what can be one of the most lucrative and rewarding ventures available in the Tampa Bay area.

When asked what property management or, more specifically, what it is that we do, I've summarized it like this: "Property management is a service that simplifies property ownership and elevates the rental experience for both owners and their tenants. We're not just managing properties, we're cultivating relationships and fostering thriving communities." This is by far the question we get asked the most, so it's time that I really expanded on it, and give you a better understanding of what can be one of the most lucrative and rewarding ventures available in the Tampa Bay area.

When asked what property management or, more specifically, what it is that we do, I've summarized it like this: "Property management is a service that simplifies property ownership and elevates the rental experience for both owners and their tenants. We're not just managing properties, we're cultivating relationships and fostering thriving communities."

That remains true. That is what we do. It's our motto. It's Boss Lady Property Management. But, in 2024, or the year of expansion, it's only right to expand on this.

There's a lot to property management - we need to make sure that the tenant is happy, takes care of your property, and wants to renew. A happy tenant is a great tenant.  

To really understand what we offer, let's cover the most important benefits:

7 Benefits of Boss Lady Property Management

1. Tenant Screenings - The right tenant for your property begins with screening. More than a credit check, we ask the right questions to ensure that we not only find the right property for your tenant, but that the tenant understands exactly what agreement is made. Our screenings ensure the fit is as near perfect as possible, so that both you and your tenants can work together for the duration of the contract and agreement.

2. Lease Agreements - One of the most overlooked but critical aspects of property management is the contract. Who is the responsible party in a given situation? What changes can be made to your property? How will disputes be handled? This agreement is crucial. Not having a good agreement can cost thousands of dollars and that is putting it lightly.

3. Maintenance and Repairs - All properties require upkeep. All properties need maintenance. We have a dedicated team and a network qualified handyman companies that allow us to get the maintenance and repairs needed in a timely manner, keeping your tenants happy, and ensuring your property stays in the best possible condition for years to come.

4. Finding Reliable and Responsible Tenants for Your Property - Approximately 33% of residents in the Tampa Bay area are renters. That's over one million people. So, the numbers are there. The real challenge for some property management companies is not just to find qualified tenants, but to find the right tenant for your property. Having a list of available properties in addition to a list of qualified tenants makes the process easier for us. We source both, thus enabling us to truly match tenants and prperties seamlessly and quickly.

5. Rent Collection - One of the least favorite tasks for most owners is the rent collection. Believe it or not, it is far easier for us, as a third party to collect rent on your behalf. We make the process easy for both parties, and provide great customer support for your tenant.

6. Expense Reports and Financial Statements - Our financial staff make the numbers side of management easier by providing expense reports at regular intervals in addition to monthly and yearly statements. We can even send this data directly to your accountant in their preferred format to make the process even easier for you.

7. Peace of Mind - Turn-key means ready to go. It allowing us to handle all of the day-to-day property management duties for you. We can take full control of your properties and handle every aspect of the rental process, including the legal and promotional actions. You can rely on us to take care of your property management.

Those are the main benefits, but this all ties into the overall goal - to make sure both parties are happy. There's no reason to obscure or hide anything here. We want to make sure your tenant loves their rental, and that you are rewarded for providing it. It's a simple transaction and when done right, everyone can win.

Choosing Boss Lady

Property management as an industry has seen it's ups and downs. However, over the last few years, it has seen a strong resurgence and has now become one of the best ways to generate steady and reliable income - provided it is done right.

In a nutshell, the ideal approach is to find suitable or ideal tenants for each property. Some tenants appreciate accomadations, nearby activities, location in relation to friends or family, or the view. Then there are those that value total costs, annual savings, and surrounding schools. Whatever the need, we can match tenants to their property - your property - quickly, and help them thrive in their new community.

Choose Boss Lady if you want a true, turn-key solution for your property management. We work directly with you and your tenant, ensuring that all interactions are professional, while providing exceptional service. Our goal is to build the Tampa Bay area into a great place to live for all those renting property, and ensuring that property owners maximize returns. To learn more, please contact me or my team, and let us prove to you how rewarding property management can be.

Call us now at (813) 736-0458 to get more information.

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